Victoria E. Mateu
UCLA Department of Spanish and Portuguese

My name is Victoria Mateu [vɪk.ˈtɔ.ɹi.ə mə.ˈtew]. I'm an Assistant Professor of Hispanic Linguistics at the UCLA Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
My primary area of interest is first language acquisition (particularly Spanish morphosyntax). I am also interested in other populations (Spanish heritage speakers and L2 Learners) theoretical syntax, language processing, and word prosody and the insights that cross-linguistic and acquisition data can provide on these topics.
Click the links above to access my CV, research (including downloadable papers), and teaching materials.
Recent & Upcoming events
Talk presented at the 49th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 49) 'Elided questions in child Spanish: Where do prepositions go?' (with Nina Hyams) [pdf]
Poster presented at the 49th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 49) '28-month-olds use inferred thematic relations to bootstrap intransitive verb meanings' (with Laurel Perkins & Nina Hyams) [pdf]
Poster presented at the 49th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 49) 'Intervention effects in the acquisition of Italian sluicing: The role of Number Mismatch' (with Elena Pettenon & Emanuela Sanfelici) [pdf]
Talk presented at the Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP 2024) 'An experimental study of Catalan consonant alternations' (with Kevin Liang & Bruce Hayes) [pdf]
Poster presented at the International Congress on Infant Studies (ICIS) 'Spanish-learning infants segment disyllabic verbs at 6-months' (with Megha Sundara)
Paper published in Languages 'On the Representation of Implicit Arguments in Child Grammar: Short Passives in Mandarin and English' (with Minqi Liu and Nina Hyams)
Awarded the UCLA Social Impact Collaborative Grant (with Laurel Perkins and Megha Sundara) for our project 'Diversifying language development research in Los Angeles: Learning Spanish and English in children from 0-6'
Poster presented at the Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD) 'Evidence of word segmentation abilities in German-learning 5-to-6-month-olds' (with Mireia Marimon, Megha Sundara, Barbara Höhle).
Talk presented at the 54th Linguistics Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL 54) 'Morphosyntactic convergence with passives in heritage Spanish speakers' (with Erin Mauffray)
Paper published in Behavioral Sciences 'Constraints on Acceleration in Bilingual Development: Evidence from Word Segmentation by Spanish Learning Infants' (with Megha Sundara)
Talk presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) 'Comparing productive and receptive abilities with Spanish periphrastic and se-passives in second language learners' (with Erin Mauffray)